Absolutely FREE for you!

“I take your ’21 Favorites’ eBooklet with me every time I go plant shopping.
I’m so glad I found the Cottage Garden!”

Take me to the 21 Favorites

Dreaming of a romantic garden simply
bursting with beautiful flowers?
Not sure which plants to pick?


I learned the hard way how tricky it can be to have a vision of an enchanting and charming cottage garden without quite knowing how to get there. Those first couple of steps can be intimidating.

But they really don’t have to be! The biggest part of creating your very own cottage garden is to pick the right plants,
and I want to make that much easier for you. 

That's why I've put together this eBooklet with my 21 favourite plants that will transform your 
outdoor space into a romantic cottage garden.

And, of course:
It's completely free, all of the plants are low-maintenance and they'll grow almost anywhere.

The famous 21!

They're low-maintenance,
they grow anywhere and
they'll transform your
into a magical space.

A present for you!

My list of 21 must-have plants

Kind words from lovely readers

“I wanted to write to say a heartfelt ‘thank you’ for your wonderful & informative emails. Amongst the countless newsletters and advertising messages cluttering my inbox every day, your lovingly crafted messages really do stand out. Simply great!”


“Thank you soooo much for the ‘21 Favorites’ eBooklet and for your blog in general. You’re just what I need! Such luck that I came across you.”


“I’m always happy to see your emails pop into my inbox, so I just wanted to say thank you. Especially in these times, they’re like balm for the soul.”


“I’m absorbing all of your wonderful ideas like a sponge. I’ve always dreamt of having a cottage garden.”

“You speak from my soul! And I can clearly see how much of your heart goes into your work.”


”Thank you very much for the marvellous eBooklet with your 21 Cottage Garden Favorites! I’m so looking forward to discovering all about cottage gardens.”


“Your newsletters are refreshing like no others. Thank you!”

“I simply wanted to write and say thank you for all the great advice and inspiration.”


“Thank you so much for the ’21 Favorites’ eBooklet. You must have put so much work into it, it’s wonderful that you make it available for free.”


“A huge thank you for the epic eBooklet with your favorite plants!!! Your gorgeous garden is such inspiration and always gives me new ideas for my own garden.”